Story of Tamanu

BY. lanbeller

Tamanu Tree

Tamanu tree has unique nickname: God’s tree, and its fruit is known as miraculously omnipotent fruit among natives who live in Pacific Islands area.

Tamanu Fruit

Tamanu is categorized as a nut. It has a color of yellow green at first, and gradually becomes brownish as it grows, and then falls from the tree. In its brownish husk, there is an inner skin of Tamanu, and inside of it, there is a kernel. I actually ate a kernel of Tamanu. The texture was similar to that of chestnut, and the taste was a bit bitter.

The oil extracted from this kernel is Tamanu oil. Approximately only 5L of oil can be extracted from one tree of Tamanu. This means that the amount of oil that we can extract from Tamanu is very limited. Like wine production, the weather condition heavily determines both quality and quantity of the oil.

Calophyllum Inophyllum Seed Oil

Calophyllum Inophyllum seed oil is another name of Tamanu oil as a cosmetic ingredient. You can get the oil from Melanesia, Polynesia, South-East Asia, India, and Japan of Pacific Ocean. Analyzed various kinds of Tamanu oils from these countries, I finally found out that the Tamanu oil from South Pacific blue belt was the best for my flavor. It has just excellent effect as well as spreadability.

We use unrefined Tamanu oil that has every nutrients needed for the best skin care. It is like eating unpolished rice instead of polished one. To fully absorb this essence into skin, we recommend specific steps while using Lanbelle’s products.

Scent of Tamanu

The scent of Tamanu might be very strong. There is a split between people who love and hate it. It’s like a strong smell of mugwort plant, so people who smell it for the first time are often surprised by its unique scent. Those reactions are understandable because people used to
expect artificial fragrances from cosmetics.

Enchanted by Tamanu

As I said in ‘Lanny’s Message’, I love Tamanu because it is simply good. However, I can’t tell how and how much good it is. Because my husband has a psoriasis, he has to expose his skin to sunlight for a few hours. My nephew had suffered from atopy until a few years ago. The reason that I love Tamanu is because it helps my loved ones to have healthy skin and improves their lives. I haven’t seen any oil that has better quality than Tamanu oil yet.

Healthy Beautiful Skin with Premium Tamanu

The ultimate purpose of using good skin care products is that we want to make our skin healthy and vital. To maintain good skin condition, we should obviously exercise regularly and eat healthy food, but that is not enough. As the time goes, our skin gets old and damaged from outside environment so that we need fundamentally nourish our skin in daily basis. Especially since skin care products are directly applied on our skin surface, they should be safe as well as effective. It is Tamanu, a pure and effective natural skin care ingredient I found.

Instruction of Lanbelle Lanbio Oil

  • Skin care: Apply this oil on your skin as the last step of your daily skin care routine.
    Do not rub your eyes with oil which can be stinging.
  • Hair Care: You can use this to massage your scalp before washing your hair, or you can use this as hair essence after drying your hair.
  • If you have nut allergy, please avoid using it.

written by Lanny
translated by Steve
edited by Jini

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